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Hey, everybody! It’s great to have you here on Fifty Shades of Rosé! Feel free to peruse the webpage to find your next read as well as reviews on some of today’s popular reads! Before you go, though, let me give you a heads up as to what you may find among these pages.


While there will be no big reveals, know that I will give you information on the books’ content. If you do not wish to read a detailed review, I suggest NOT reading this blog. I don’t want to ruin any great stories or adventures for my followers, so please be mindful.

I will also be reviewing the movies that have adapted some of the novels. Therefore, the same warning will apply to this section.

UNDERSTAND THAT THESE ARE SIMPLY MY PERSONAL REVIEW OF THE BOOK. You may have other thoughts on them. I’d love to hear your ideas so comment below the post or contact me using the form on the Contact page!Disclaimer

I will also be posting these reviews with the following criteria:

  1. Language: This will address the type of structure within the books as well as the use of profanity.
  2. Content: I will emphasize that some of these books can have very serious topics that may not be okay with every reader. I will have a disclaimer on the top of the post with a typical audience rating (G, PG, R).
  3. Character Descriptions: This may seem a little silly, but I wanted to separate this from the Content criteria. Some people may not want to read about certain types of character such as addicts, homosexuals, some activists, or veterans due to the sensitive topics associated with them in today’s society.
  4. Physical Looks and Presentation: I know, I know. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Well, I’m here to tell you that not all books are formatted the same way, and some people don’t read as well in all formats.
  5. Plot: Finally, I will also talk about plot development, consistency, creativity, and predictability. As I said there will be no big reveals that would ruin the plot, but there will be details to help give an idea of the story.

With all of that said! Feel free to scroll around, and find out more about my journey, these authors and books, and what’ll be coming soon!